
User Community

Our solutions don’t just end at software for your institution but give you the opportunity to become part of a user community. In this digital age, the ability to share information and knowledge with a wider network that has similar interests, has become vital. At CentraHS we believe in the power of community through networking. Our community platform CentraClub allows you as members to communicate with other users and facilitates a community run by you and for you, giving you a platform to share ideas, discuss your successes and challenges. 

Social Responsibility

Good health and health awareness do not start with health service providers, but with each citizen. With that in mind CentraHS will from time to time share health tips and awareness information through our social media platforms for the benefit of each citizen. We are not clinicians and therefore cannot provide consultations, but every citizen must feel free to ask any questions they have and we will be sure to direct you to a clinician within your reach for assistance.

Basic knowledge of common conditions and basic life support saves lives. Make sure the citizen next to you knows the basics, you may depend on them some day.



We are always looking for talent as it is the key ingredient that enables us to create excellent software solutions for you. CentraHS offers an exciting and challenging platform for those developers who dare to push home grown innovation and be the first to market.

Whether it is to join the team as a developer or developing features and solving bugs within our CentraHS community, join the family and let’s make the community bigger and better

Community Partners

CentraHS has been working with and inviting new community health outreach projects. Though this initiative, we offer community health projects financial support and access to our solutions to manage the patients as encountered on outreach projects. 

CentraHS welcomes partners in new markets to join us in expanding the CentraHS user base to facilitate delivery of stellar health care. As a partner, you will be a development partner and pilot site, becoming the voice of the brand for both customers new to digital health those that are looking to replace their legacy health systems with innovative technology.

Contact us to Become a Partner:

Our Partners:

  • Doctors & Nurses on a Mission (Community Health Outreach Project)